Amica Group’s support for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has become a tradition. For the 32nd finale of WOŚP, five double invitations to Italian culinary workshops and a tour of the factory and high-bay warehouse of a leading European appliance manufacturer were auctioned.

On March 22, the auction winners had the opportunity to spend an extraordinary day with representatives from Amica Group. They began by visiting the modern Amica factory in Wronki. During the visit, participants had the chance to observe the production process of household appliances and learn about the automated High-Bay Warehouse, which can accommodate over 220,000 products on 26,000 pallets.

The tour also included a presentation of the modern InkJet technology for printing designs on heating plates, recently introduced by Amica Group. Participants were impressed by the speed of the machines – printing as many as 165 units in just an hour. Currently, Amica can produce up to 3,600 units daily, amounting to nearly 800,000 units annually.

- "What we particularly liked was the approach to employees. Despite being a huge company, there was a friendly atmosphere and a focus on safety and comfort for everyone in the production hall. It was also somewhat comforting to know that despite advancing digitisation and the involvement of modern machines, people are still needed because, after all, humans are made to work, and it is necessary for us. We were also very pleased to learn that this is indeed a Polish product, made in Wronki. This is certainly very important to us when choosing equipment," says Justyna, who bid for the tour with her husband.

The Great Italian Feast

Culinary workshops are an integral part of Amica's activities. Modern kitchen appliances are designed to make daily cooking easier and transform it from a dreary duty into an opportunity to enjoy preparing meals, eating, and discovering new flavours. Therefore, after touring the factory, the winners headed to Amica's showroom in Poznań, where under the watchful eye of master chef Kacper Sobkiewicz, they began preparing exquisite Italian dishes. The workshop menu included ricotta gnocchi with truffles, sailor-style vongole, cacio pepe, carbonara, and perfect tiramisu.

The dishes provided participants with unforgettable culinary experiences. The auction winners were very pleased with how the workshops went. They learned unique recipes and culinary techniques from the masters, which they will surely use at home. Additionally, they received valuable tips that will enrich their daily cooking and allow them to surprise their loved ones with unique dishes.

- "I enjoyed the sailor-style vongole the most. The gnocchi were delicious too, but they weren't as much of a novelty for me. I not only cooked but also ate vongole for the first time," says Franek, a culinary school student, who announced that he would present the recipe he learned at Amica in his school classes.

Monika, his mother, who decided to bid for the workshops, was most impressed by the taste of the interesting, fresh products offered by chef Kacper Sobkiewicz. They will definitely introduce burnt butter with rosemary to their home menu.

For cooking enthusiasts who didn't have the opportunity to participate in this year's auction, Amica invites you to culinary workshops featuring cuisines from around the world. Details of the offer can be found on the website.